
To order from this site…

1 Click here to open up the order form (your browser will ask you if you want to open the form now or save it to your hard drive and open it later)
2 Print off the order form
3 Fill in the form (the list below explains what information you need to fill in)
4 Send the form to us, along with payment (cheques made payable to ‘Anna C. Roebuck’) to this address…

bags2riches, 20a, Mansfield Road, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3AQ

On the order form you will need to identify…

  • The product code, written in capitals in brackets after the product description
  • The design code, which will be in lower case in brackets under the picture of the design
  • Write a brief description of the product and design
  • The colour code – identified on the colours page – unless ordering cards, which have their own colour codes. You can create your own colour combination or use one of the regular combinations described on the colours page…
  • For most products the size is pre-determined, but with t-lights and earrings you can choose between tall/ short – insert ‘T’ or ‘S’ in the size column
  • For wall lights and other pieces designed solely to individual specifications, please use the space on the second sheet of the order form to describe what you want, including size, colour, description/ picture of design
  • For any products you can add your own additional requirements – identify this with a number in the ‘AR’ column and describe on the second sheet of the order form
  • Please include your phone number and/ or e-mail address, so that I can discuss any queries with you
  • Please allow 28 days for delivery. Postage and packing is either as stated, or starts from £4 recorded delivery, so covering the cost of the goods in transit
  • If you have any questions, or need help filling in your order form, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by e-mailing [email protected]